Tuesday, July 24, 2012

24/07/2012: the relaunch



Argh, I’ve missed blogging so much. I can’t believe I actually deleted all the posts on this blog that long time ago, but yes, I’m guessing it’s a kind of clean canvas now. I’m happy to say my life is better than ever, and summer starts now.

I’m sorry I kept making new blogs, but this will be my only one now and I’m keeping the design, which is subject to change colour themes; I’m thinking of changing the colours to warm ones, to match the weather. I’ll just be changing the colours and that’s it. Please comment ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the chat area for that one.

I’d like to post a massive long paragraph about what’s happened in my life lately, but I honestly haven’t blogged for ages and to be honest, I’m too lazy. All I know is that my life has been awesome and from today, if possible, I’ll be posting every day, just like I used to. I have really missed putting in the effort blogging, and I think that even if Emma and I are going to be the only ones reading my posts, it’s not going to do be any harm. It’s summer now and I have oodles of time to post every day, so expect frequent posting!

Oh, and the post lengths might change. Weekend posts, especially on Sundays, will be really long, but weekday posts (even if it is summer) might be quite short. It depends on what time I have at that moment.

A thing I also thought I’d like to include in this post is Instagram. For a few months, I was completely addicted and insanely serious about it. I took photos every day and I had 2k+, but I haven’t been on it for a couple of weeks now. It just took up so much of my time: I was checking it virtually every minute. It would distract me from more important things. I left without a message and that’s the way it’s going to stay for now, but now that it’s summer, that may change later on.

Oh, and on request, I’d like to say HEY-HO to arguably one of the most awesomest people on Earth, Anjali. She goes to my school and shizz, and I think she’s going to read my blog… if she can be bothered. So hey there, Anjali. :3 She is da baws! Anjali, click on "leave a message" up the top and say hey to everybody.

One more thing I’d  like to ask is what kind of things you want me to blog about. Do you want me to post what I do every day, random thoughts, photos, or maybe all of those? I was thinking long posts like I used to along with photos which I started doing before I stopped blogging. Please say in the chat section along with whether you think I should change to a more ‘warm’ colour scheme.

That’s about it. I'm so happy right now. It's times like this when you realise how much you've missed certain parts of your life. I hope you liked the relaunch, and tell all your friends about my blog! C:


Oh, and before I forget...
a special message to you there, reading my blog!

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