Wednesday, July 25, 2012

25/07/2012: 'mr blue sky' by electric light orchestra

Sun is shining in the sky, there ain't a cloud in sight J

I told you I'd post every day! 

Today is so HOT. Gosh. It's even hotter than yesterday which was hot, I'm telling you. The title is a lie though, because for once there are actually clouds in the sky. All I want is to jump into a big pool of water, which Emma is apparently doing today with Mary. -cries-

I'm going on holiday next Friday though, for two weeks and a half, and hopefully the weather's going to be even hotter than it is now in Spain. I just want to dive into a massive pool of water and float for hours. :P Or run through a sprinkler.

Today hasn't been very interesting, I just went to the shops with my nan and iMessaging Jasmine, wondering whether to go on The Sims 3 or not. The Sims is so addictive, I'm telling you. I have no idea why Ruby owns it yet never plays it. You sit yourself down at 3pm and think, 'I will play The Sims for an hour.' and before you know it it's 10pm.

I'm also going to work on changing the colours of the title, background etc. on my blog, without changing the design at all. I'm going to try some yellows, oranges and reds, to match the sunny weather. I'm ashamed to say I stole Emma's layout and font, because Century Gothic is just too beautiful. Do you remember when I used to have the titles in a gradient (like my signature), and I always used to put an Instagram photo in every post? Or when I first got a blog, and my posts would literally be one sentence each ('I'm going to have hot chocolate.') - I mean, I might as well have got Twitter at that point. 

Anyway, so in this post I also thought I'd update you quickly on my life in the past few months. Nothing major has happened. I've been on my summer holidays since Monday. I've made better friends with lots of people at school I only 'knew', and I've been enjoying school a lot recently. It isn't full of chavs, I swear! We're getting a new head teacher from September which will hopefully be good for our school. Haha, I sound like a snob, don't I? :)

I didn't have any homework for the whole of last week, which was a relief. On Thursday, we had something called 'Form Activities Day'. Basically, we were in our forms for the whole day, and each period we had to do a different activity against other forms. Because we have vertical tutoring it was apparently good 'team building' (...) School on Friday ended at 12:45, and we had a nearly two hour end-of-year assembly. I swear I couldn't feel my bum after that. I don't have any homework for the whole of summer though, which I am insanely happy about. It's so POINTLESS.

I didn't do much at the weekend apart from going to Alice's party (not Alice from primary school, a different one) and frolicking in the sun. I got a Sims 3 expansion pack, too.

I've said this so many times already, but I'm so glad I'm blogging again! It's such a good feeling. I missed it so much. I guess it's just a way to keep in touch with all my primary school friends, especially Emma, because she keeps a blog herself. I wish I saw you all more often.


Alrighty, I think that's about it. Keep an eye on the blog design for any colour changes. I'll be back tomorrow, and please please please post on the chat (click 'leave a message' below the title). Right now I'm going off to wreck my journal. Bye!

I almost forgot again!

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