Sunday, July 29, 2012

29/07/2012: shopping and a sunday full of awesomeness

Shopping with Meloner J

…or more like window shopping :]

I went up to town with Eleanor today, and had so much fun! I hadn’t seen her in ageeeesss, and I missed her so much. I waited for 10 minutes outside the ice cream shop in the pouring rain - it's the end of July and freezing. When she finally came over, after one minute of awkwardness ('Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…') we got over it and started talking like mad about school, friends, etc. We went to Starbucks and shared a caramel Frappuccino and had lunch. It was just so lovely! We then looked around the shops and each bought sparkly nail varnish from Claire’s in green. It’s so gorgeous, but really hard to fill in and get neat and tidy!

We were going to go to the library but then realised it’s closed on Sundays, so we went to Waterstone’s instead. We recommended books to each other and spent 20 minutes cross-legged next to the teenage books section just reading. She bought a book but I didn’t have enough money, but I saw some really good books there and next time I go out I’m going to buy two or three.

The first book that I’m definitely going to buy is After buy Morris Gleitzman. I practically screamed when I saw this. I’ve read the Once/Then/Now books (that I always thought was a trilogy) and then found out that it’s actually a quadrilogy! I was so happy. After has only just come out and I was so upset I couldn’t buy it straight away.

After the Nazis took my parents I was scared
After they killed my best friend I was angry
After they ruined my thirteenth birthday I was determined
To get to the forest 
To join forces with Gabriek and Yuli 
To be a family
To defeat the Nazis after all

DOESN’T IT SOUND SO AMAZING. I honestly can’t wait to read it. It has the most gorgeous (but sad) red cover with two adults and a child holding hands. Oh, I want to read it so badly.

I saw a couple of other books as well. One was Uglies by Scott Westerfield. If you’ve been living under a rock, it’s about a future that revolves around plastic surgery and looking perfect. Everybody under 16 is natural and are called the ‘Uglies’. They live isolated by everybody 16 and over and feel like they’re not good enough. The main character can’t wait until she gets to 16 and becomes ‘Pretty’, but her friend isn’t so sure, and runs away. It sounds so good. I love dystopian books, as long as they’re not copied or based on the most popular ones, and this one sounds so original. I think I’ll love it.

After that we just looked around a bit more, then went home. I got back at around 4:15. Before I left I had been transforming the covers of my Wreck this Journal, and it looks like a beautiful mess right now. I’ll get photos to you soon! I’ve been watching Olympic synchronised diving, China are so good! It’s amazing looking at how in synch and together they are, and how they do complicated twists and somersaults without stepping out of line. Right now I think I might go on the Sims or just Twitter or Tumblr.

Bye! xox


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